April 6, 2021
RCS Landscape LLC

Tips To Spring Cleaning And Landscaping [Infographic]

As winter gives way to spring, it’s time to get your lawns and gardens ready for the new growing season.

Don’t put it off any longer because spring is the perfect time to plant your yard. Begin by sweeping up the debris and particles that have accumulated over the winter. Starts pruning trees and shrubs to increase tree and plant quality before new growth begins. If your garden has so much old mulch, cover it with fresh, otherwise, add touch up for better results.

When hydrating gardens, add fertilizer for improved growth and rich nutrients so plants can consume them quickly. Start planting or transplanting whether you intend to extend your garden or add a new crop.

Tips To Spring Cleaning And Landscaping Infographic

If you are new or lack experience, contact the experts at RCS landscape. Dial (503) 828-7095, for spring cleaning and landscaping services in Portland OR.


<p><a href=”https://rcslandscapellc.com/tips-to-spring-cleaning-and-landscaping-infographic/”>Tips To Spring Cleaning And Landscaping [Infographic]</a></p>
<img src=”https://rcslandscapellc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Tips-To-Spring-Cleaning-And-Landscaping-Infographic.jpg” alt=”Tips To Spring Cleaning And Landscaping” width=”100%” border=”0″ />

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